When an individual’s hands and fingers start tingling, they will most often suspect carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, pressure on the median nerve anywhere along its course from the neck to the hand can produce similar symptoms in the hand and fingers. So what is the best way to diagnose CTS and differentiate it from [..]
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is by far the most frequent cause of a nerve entrapment in the extremities. Despite it being such a common complaint (estimated to affect 1 in 1,000 American adults), CTS can be a difficult condition to manage. Here are three reasons why…
1) Multifactorial. While activities (a job or hobby) that [..]
The carpal tunnel is a structure in the wrist that is primarily comprised of the carpal bones and the transverse carpal ligament. In addition to the median nerve, several tendons and other tissues pass through this region. If the shape of the carpal tunnel is altered or if any of the tissues within the tunnel [..]
When individuals experience pain, numbness, weakness, and other abnormal symptoms in the hand and wrist, their first thought is that it’s carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) followed by a worry that they’ll inevitably need surgery to resolve the condition. Some sufferers may even contact a surgeon as their first option for care. However, treatment guidelines do [..]
Despite being the most common entrapment neuropathy (pinched nerve) in the extremities, a gold-standard test for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has yet to be established. In part, this is due to how the symptoms develop from patient to patient, as well as the presence of other conditions that can result in a similar collection [..]
When it comes to the conservative management of a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome, care will usually focus on reducing inflammation along the course of the carpal tunnel and improving mobility of the median nerve as it travels from the neck and into the hand. This treatment approach may also include the use of nutritional [..]
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that occurs when the median nerve is compressed or restricted as it passes through the wrist. Because repetitive wrist and hand motions can inflame the tissues in the wrist and place pressure on the median nerve, workers in jobs that require such movements—such as those seated at a [..]
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral neuropathy affecting approximately 3% of the general adult population. Individuals with jobs or hobbies that involve fast, repetitive movements and forceful gripping with little-to-no rest may be at increased risk for CTS, as are those with metabolic/hormonal conditions that can lead to increased swelling/pressure/inflammation in the [..]
While many people may consider carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) to be the default cause of any pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the hand and/or wrist, the condition is more complex. In some cases, a patient with such symptoms may not have CTS at all. So when a patient comes into the office to be [..]
The early symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) are often easy to overlook or ignore because they don’t interfere too much with one’s ability to carry out their daily activities. As such, many people don’t consider it worthwhile to take the time to make and attend a doctor appointment to deal with the issue. [..]